Hi, I’m Psy.Visesh

I’m here to help you discover the most empowered version of yourself.

We’re dedicated to helping you navigate life’s challenges with compassion and expertise. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, OCD, fears, phobias, or relationship conflicts, our counseling services are designed to provide the personalized support you need to thrive.

With over two decades of experience, I’ve guided thousands of individuals, couples, and families toward mental and emotional balance.

I understand that each person’s journey is unique, which is why our approach is tailored specifically to your needs, ensuring you feel safe, heard, and supported every step of the way.

Your well-being is our priority, and we’re committed to helping you find the clarity and strength to overcome whatever obstacles you face.

If you’re ready to take the first step toward healing, I’m here to help.






Every Child is a Born Potential Genius!

Through my work with thousands of individuals, I’ve discovered a fundamental truth: every child is born with the potential for genius, yet this potential is often diminished by parents, teachers, schools, and society.

To address this, I developed the Genius Matrix—a transformative program designed to turn rebellious, digitally addicted teenagers into responsible, balanced, and successful young adults.

The Genius Matrix is the ultimate solution to eliminate educational, emotional, psychological, and behavioral problems with minimal time and effort. Ready to transform lives?

Schedule a call and complete the short application. We’ll review your application and have a conversation to see if you’re the right fit.

With only 30 seats available, this is for those ready to take the road less traveled.


Growing Extraordinary Minds

When you're supported by a family who truly understands you, who loves you, and who lovingly encourages you to grow and evolve so that you’re operating at your best no matter what...

Everything becomes possible.

  1. Families have the power to expand human potential, trigger lasting personal and professional shifts, and create rapid spiritual upgrades like nothing else can.

But you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, you shouldn’t. Being part of a powerful, dynamic Genius Matrix Hub is like rocket fuel for the soul, propelling you past the ordinary and into the extraordinary in every aspect of your life and work.

In record time.


To Serve & Love

My mission is to build supportive families that nurture extraordinary minds capable of positively impacting billions of lives.

The road to success is often littered with broken dreams, broken hearts, and broken lives. Many people strive to grow their bank accounts but abandon their authentic potential along the way.

  1. That was me years ago and maybe that’s you now.

Maybe that’s where you find yourself now—feeling the pressure to hit your goals at any cost, sacrificing time with loved ones, and pushing yourself to work around the clock.

All in the name of making more money and creating success.

I’m inviting you to stop and pivot. Try a different track—the road less traveled.

Your well-being is our priority, and we’re committed to helping you find the clarity and strength to overcome whatever obstacles you face.

If you’re ready to take the first step toward healing and transformation, I’m here to help.


When to Seek Help: Key Signs It's Time to Consult a Psychologist

Consult a psychologist if you're experiencing persistent sadness, anxiety, stress, or behavioral changes that impact your daily life. Seek help for relationship issues, trauma, addiction, sleep problems, or if you're struggling with life changes. Early support can improve mental well-being and prevent issues from worsening.

Genius Matrix: Unlocking True Potential

The Genius Matrix by Psy. Vishesh, highlighting its four key components- Innate Potential, Environmental Influence, Disciplined Practice, and Holistic Development. It’s a clear and concise guide for anyone interested in personal growth, offering practical insights into how these elements interact to unlock potential.

Is What You Say Helping or Hindering Your Child’s Potential?

Parents often share advice with good intentions, but common phrases like "Be realistic" or "Money doesn’t grow on trees" can unintentionally limit a child's potential and creativity. By being mindful of how we speak, we can encourage our children to dream big, embrace challenges, and grow into their full potential.

Watch My Videos

Why education has become so heavy for children?

Education has become increasingly burdensome for children due to escalating academic pressures, overloaded curriculums, and the lack of holistic development, leading to stress and disengagement.

Learn more

Did Abhimanyu hear Padmavyuham in mother's womb?

Did Abhimanyu really learn the complex military strategy of Padmavyuham while still in his mother's womb, as told in the Mahabharata, and what does modern science say about such prenatal learning?

Learn more

Signs and Symptoms of Psychological Problems

How can you identify the early signs and symptoms of psychological problems, such as changes in mood, behavior, or thought patterns, that may signal the need for professional intervention and support?

Learn more

Big Love from Big Hearts

"I’ve known Psy.Visesh since 2006 and have witnessed his exceptional dedication and effectiveness as a psychologist. He continuously refines his skills through advanced courses and maintains strong professional relationships. His coaching programs are creative, practical, and well-researched, making him a highly sought-after expert in his field."

- Thimmappa M.S Former Professor of Psychology, Former Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University, India

Visesh is a versatile psychologist with an unwavering professional attitude. His presence is felt in every expert meeting, where his social skills truly stand out.

He is deeply dedicated to the concept of "Genius," a project he passionately nurtures. It's an honor to collaborate with you, Mr. Visesh. You are truly an elite personality.

- Maria Deepthi Karanam, Engineering Manager, Freemont, California

Visesh is a versatile psychologist with an unwavering professional attitude. His presence is felt in every expert meeting, where his social skills truly stand out.

He is deeply dedicated to the concept of "Genius," a project he passionately nurtures. It's an honor to collaborate with you, Mr. Visesh. You are truly an elite personality.

-Ram Jaladurgam Founder Director - Minds and Dots Consulting, Visualization coach

"Mr.Visesh is a great psychologist and a great human being. He will observe the exact problem and try to resolve it. He is one of the excellent NLP trainers in our country. He is an inspiration to students who are entering this field. I am lucky to have association with Him."

- Prembihari Saran, IT Project Manager 💠 HR Professional 💠 AI Engineer

Psy. Visesh coached us, and we saw immediate changes in our home environment and our bond with our son. He began to excel in his academics, and our family life became more harmonious. Psy. Vishesh created the space we needed to think more clearly, make better decisions, and support our son's growth.



A passionate Psychologist with experience supporting individuals facing various mental health problems and coaching them to explore their genius.

© 2024 Psy.Vishesh


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Hyderabad, India

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